
Joshua fink
Joshua fink

joshua fink

  • When a Banana Was Just a Banana (2009, Ovum).
  • joshua fink

  • Left Above the Clouds (1996, Nervous/ XL).
  • A Higher State of Wink's Work (1996, Manifesto) – compilation of Wink's early 12 inch singles.
  • Josh Wink has also recorded some releases as Wink, Winc, Winks, Winx, The Crusher, E-Culture, and Size 9. All of the below albums were released on his Ovum imprint with the exception of the first two. He also has worked with Ursula Rucker and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. In 1994, Wink founded his own successful record label called Ovum Recordings with King Britt.

    joshua fink

    Josh Wink performing live (10 February 2006) He is a strong supporter of new DJing technology, most specifically utilising, demonstrating and advocating the Final Scratch application. Wink has acknowledged the music of Kraftwerk, 1980s synthpop and late 1980s Chicago house music as major influences on his style.


    In 1996, Rolling Stone writer Frank Broughton observed that "a Josh Wink record takes a series of sampled noises, then twists and warps them through a barrage of sound processors, resulting in a spiraling blend of acidic bass lines and trippy break beats." Another reviewer referred to Wink's Profound Sounds album series as "sensual techno, rendered as a whole composition rather than a collection of individual, flavor-of-the-month tracks." In interviews, he has stated that his music is "built around tension", and that his work is often influenced by "mistake theory, which is: I use a lot of things that you and I might consider (experimenting) with effects, with filters, with percentages in my sampler, and just doing stuff that you wouldn't ordinarily do." Wink's current style is a mixture of acid house, drum and bass, and experimental music. 1988 was also professionally significant for Wink in that he turned eighteen, and was then able to work as a DJ in nightclubs. By 1988, Wink had met fellow DJ King Britt, and the two began creating original tracks together.


    As a teen, he quickly gained familiarity with DJing equipment and taught himself how to mix beats in 1986. It was at this time that Wink also became a vegetarian, following in the footsteps of his mother and brother. His interest in DJing began as a 13-year-old, when he became apprentice to a friend, a radio station and mobile DJ in Philadelphia. As a youth, Wink studied the piano for three years and took clarinet lessons as a teenager.

    Joshua fink